Other Seed Saving Resources
There are many wonderful seed saving resources out there both online and in good ol’ fashioned books. Here are some of our favorites:
- Seed to Seed: Seed Saving and Growing Techniques for Vegetable Gardeners, by Suzanne Ashworth–A complete seed-saving guide that describes specific techniques for 160 vegetables, including botanical classifications, flower structure and pollination, population size, isolation distances, and techniques for caging, hand-pollination, harvesting, drying, cleaning and storage. This book can be borrowed from any library in the Northern Waters Library System.
- How to Save Your Own Seeds, by Seeds of Diversity–This book includes detailed, step-by-step seed saving and storage instructions. Beautiful illustrations and photographs. Best of new, cutting-edge research and improved techniques. Separate instructions for beginners and experts. Easy-to-follow reference tables and charts for each species. Extra features such as pollinator profiles and seed saving tips. Clear explanations of botany concepts.
- The Complete Guide to Saving Seeds: 322 Vegetables, Herbs, Flowers, Fruits, Trees, and Shrubs, by Gough, Robert E.–Learn how to collect, save, and cultivate the seeds from more than 300 vegetables, herbs, fruits, flowers, trees, and shrubs. It’s easy, and it’s fun! Descriptions of seed biology; tips on how to select plants for the best seeds; and advice on harvesting and cleaning, proper storage and care, and propagating and caring for new seedlings are all presented with clear, easy-to-follow instructions. This book can be borrowed from any library in the Northern Waters Library System.
- The Organic Seed Grower: A Farmer’s Guide to Vegetable Seed Production, by Navazio, John–The Organic Seed Grower is a comprehensive manual for the serious vegetable grower who is interested in growing high-quality seeds using organic farming practices. It is written for both serious home seed savers and diversified small-scale farmers who want to learn the necessary steps involved in successfully producing a commercial seed crop organically. This book can be borrowed from any library in the Northern Waters Library System.
- The Gardener’s A-Z Guide to Growing Flowers from Seed to Bloom: 576 annuals, perennials, and bulbs in full color, by Powell, Eileen–The Gardener’s A-Z Guide to Growing Flowers from Seed to Bloom will teach you everything you need to know to germinate and grow more than 500 types of flowering plants. For every plant listed you’ll find precise information on whether it will do well in your part of the country; how to sow seeds indoors and outdoors; when to transplant indoor seedlings out in the garden; what light, soil, and spacing requirements are necessary; general plant care; when you can expect the plants to flower; how to encourage more blooms; and how to propagate your plants by cutting, division, layering, or detaching runners. This book can be borrowed from any library in the Northern Waters Library System.
- There are many other books on gardening and seed saving available through the Northern Waters Library System,we encourage you to browse their online catalog to find more.
- Gardening resources for zones 3 & 4 in WI- http:/ . /www.mid-wi.com/home/garden.html
- Saving seeds-
http://www.organicgardening.com/learn-and-grow/saving-seeds-for-next-season?cm_mmc=pinterest-_-OrganicGardening-_-Content-LearnGrow-_-beginner’sguideseedsaving - The art of seeds- http://www.finegardening.com/how-to/articles/collecting-and-storing-seeds.aspx
- How to make “seed tape”- http://dotnik.hubpages.com/hub/Make-Seed-Tapes-A-Better-Way-to-Sow-Seeds
- http://slola.org/learn-about-seed-saving/instructional-videos/ –SLOLA website various video tutorials—containing videos on: demystifying cucurbits and saving seed form them, and a 4 part video on the general introduction to seed saving & planning
- The ins and outs of Pollination- http://www.avasflowers.net/understanding-flower-pollination (a big thanks to Nicole in Aurora, CO for finding this resource and sharing it with us!)